World Leaders Honor Former Sec. of State Madeleine Albright

    Image copyright: AP Photo [via Fox News]

    The Facts

    • World leaders and members of the US political elite paid their respects on Wed. to the late Madeleine Albright. President Joe Biden and former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton were in attendance.

    • More than 1,400 people attended the ceremony at Washington National Cathedral, with Biden and former Sec. of State Hillary Clinton giving a tribute.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Madeleine Albright was a trailblazer who broke glass ceilings in becoming the first female Secretary of State. She was a strong and intelligent person, and her experiences as a refugee informed her humanitarian policy objectives.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Though Albright was certainly impressive, her legacy is far more controversial than that of a "trailblazer." She's infamous for her advocacy for Iraq sanctions that killed half a million children according to a UN report, and for her statement that it "was worth it".

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