Four Russians Charged with Alleged Cyberattacks on the Global Energy Sector

    Image copyright: Corbis/Getty Images [via New York Post]

    The Facts

    • Four Russians were indicted for alleged hacking campaigns that targeted hundreds of energy companies around the world from 2012 to 2018, including a US nuclear power operator and a Saudi petrochemical facility, the US DOJ announced Thurs.

    • The four have been reported as Russian government employees linked to the Ministry of Defense research institute and the FSB, the main sucessor of the USSR's KGB.

    The Spin

    Anti-Russia narrative

    Cyberresearchers have stated for years that Russia is behind hacking campaigns. The Kremlin poses a global cyber threat as Putin has dangerously escalated the country's cyberabilities to the point it can destroy critical infrastructure with deadly consequences.

    Pro-Russia narrative

    Accusations against the Kremlin are dangerous and based purely on Russophobia. Most cyberattacks affecting critical infrastructure around the world are carried out from the US, not from Russia.

    Cynical narrative

    We've introduced this threat ourselves. For decades, governments and businesses chose to build a hyper-connected world. That means more cyber vulnerability to disruption and a sea of disinformation from myriad actors. This is a direct result of our desire for convenience.

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