G20 Summit Opens in Bali

Image copyright: AP [via Financial Times]

The Facts

  • The annual Group of 20 (G20) summit opened on Tuesday in Bali, Indonesia, under the theme "Recovering Together, Growing Stronger," amid global economic challenges such as food and energy insecurity and the Ukraine war.

  • Opening the summit of the world's largest economies, Indonesian president and summit host Joko Widodo called for an end to the Ukraine war and efforts to achieve an "inclusive global recovery." The G20, Widodod said, must not descend "into another cold war."

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

The G20 summit reflects the emergence of a new multipolar world order, which is why the US — despite its fabricated claims of wanting to cooperate — won't succeed in exploiting the summit to impede the rise of China. The Global South's new self-confidence is evident, and the West will not be able to convince the rest of the world to abide by its hypocritical mandates at this summit.

Pro-establishment narrative

As evinced by the recent positive talks between Xi and Biden, the US is making an impressive comeback on the world stage. Russia is coming under increasing pressure over its brutal war of aggression, especially as China apparently now sees a serious threat in Moscow's nuclear rhetoric. These are positive signs that pressure will jointly be increased on Russia, forcing it to end the war and allowing the rules-based world order to once again contribute to the well-being of humanity.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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