GA Gov. Signs Bill Ending Gun License Requirement

    Image copyright: Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP

    The Facts

    • On Tues., Gov. Brian Kemp signed a bill removing the requirement for Georgians to apply for a permit to carry concealed handguns.

    • The law, dubbed the 'Constitutional Carry Act,' will allow any 'lawful weapons carrier' to carry a concealed handgun without a license anywhere the weapons are already allowed.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    This is a victory for constitutional rights. Many Georgians consider their carry permit the founding document of their nation. Law-abiding residents will be able to more easily protect themselves thanks to the support of Gov. Kemp.

    Left narrative

    This will do nothing to protect Georgia's communities. Lawmakers are appropriating the Ukrainian-Russian conflict to make senseless arguments about citizens' rights to protection. De-regulating gun ownership and use puts people at even more risk.

    Political split
