GOP Senate Candidate Calls for Firing of Mitch McConnell

    Image copyright: Screen capture [via Raw Story]

    The Facts

    • In a new web ad, Pro-Trump Alabama Senate candidate Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) says he plans to "fire" Mitch McConnell if elected, referring to the Republican minority leader from Kentucky as a "weak-kneed debt junkie."

    • Brooks is in a three-way primary for the Republican nomination to replace retiring Sen. Richard Shelby.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Brooks is taking aim at McConnell in a desperate attempt to prove his loyalty to the disgraced former president. Brooks only fell out favor with Trump when he - rightly but belatedly - acknowledged that the 2020 election results cannot be overturned. Time will tell if Brooks' anti-McConnell charm offensive is enough to win him back into the graces of the twice-impached Trump.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    Senator McConnell likes fighting with Trump more than he does with those across the aisle. McConnell repeatedly undermined Trump while he was in office, and it's time for a change. Mo Brooks is not running for himself but for the preservation of the MAGA agenda.

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