House Finds Trump Aides Scavino and Navarro in Contempt

Image copyright: Bloomberg [via Axios]

The Facts

  • Congress voted on Wed. to recommend criminal contempt charges against two former Trump aides for defying subpoenas related to the Jan. 6 Select Committee's investigation.

  • Dan Scavino, Trump's former deputy chief of staff for communications, and Peter Navarro, a trade advisor, will be referred to the DOJ for potential prosecution. If convicted, they would each face up to 1yr in prison and a fine of up to $100K.

The Spin

Pro-Trump narrative

Nancy Pelosi has weaponized the power of Congress against American citizens who rightfully and lawfully question the legitimacy of the Biden presidency. Her illegitimate panel continues to probe people who had nothing whatsoever to do with the actual attack on the US Capitol. The House Select Committee is putting on a political show trial.

Left narrative

The Select Committee is pursuing the truth about a deadly attack on democracy. Trump's allies have information to offer about the planning of the event and the trail of responsibility, evidence the Committee is seeking through lawful subpoenas. Meanwhile, the GOP Congressional caucus has chosen party over country and spurned their oaths to uphold the Constitution.

Political split



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