Hunter Biden's Hard Drive Enters Congressional Record

    Image copyright: AP Photos [via The Washington Times]

    The Facts

    • Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Flo) entered the hard drive of Pres. Biden's son Hunter into the Congressional Record during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on Tues.

    • The New York Post originally reported on the contents of the hard drive in Oct. 2020, weeks before the US election, but outlets such as the New York Times dismissed the files as unsubstantiated.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    There is no doubt that this was a disinformation campaign, but it wasn't Russian. It was the dangerous alliance of mainstream media and big tech conspiring to silence the story of Hunter's laptop and evidence of Joe Biden's own corruption.

    Democratic narrative

    This story is a long way from over, and when all is said and done it won't be a story about Hunter's laptop any more, but rather one of rampant corruption within the Trump wing of the GOP and a shameless effort to hold on to power whatever the cost to truth and American democracy.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    The mainstream media was so busy fighting Russian misinformation that it forgets it can have a misinformation problem of its own. It needs to acknowledge that it can be part of the problem if it's ever going to regain trust.

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