India:1 Dead as Protests Continue Over New Military Recruitment

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via CBS]

    The Facts

    • On Fri., at least one person died and more than a dozen were injured during the third day of protests against a new government recruitment policy for the military in India.

    • The new policy, dubbed Agnipath or "path of fire," will hire 46k recruits between the ages of 17.5 to 21 - this year will allow candidates up to the age of 23 - for a fixed four-year term. After this, 25% of recruits will be retained and the others discharged without pension.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    The Agnipath plan provides an opportunity for India's more technologically-inclined youth to show their patriotism by joining the military and serving their country. It will also free up funds, allowing the military to modernize forces at a time when it's needed the most.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    The Aginath recruitment plan is a disruptive change that will destroy the military institution at a time of great political tension with neighboring countries. It also guarantees that thousands of young Indians will be laid off after four years of service and left to find jobs in an already strained labor market. It must be repealed.

    Establishment split



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