IPCC Report: Window Closing on Earth's Livable Future

    Image copyright: Getty Images/AFP [via New Scientist]

    The Facts

    • The IPCC has issued a new report asserting that climate disruption is accelerating rapidly and the window to secure a livable future on Earth is closing.

    • Per the report, if trends continue, irreversible impacts include further melting of the ice caps, thawing permafrost, and the release of additional emissions.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    This is a damning indictment of the world's biggest polluters, who are setting fire to our only home. If global warming isn't slowed, over half of the globe's population could be doomed to an atlas of human suffering.

    Narrative B

    This UN report is so dire, imminent and ridiculous that future historians will look back with disbelief. There's a real feeling of global communism and climate dictatorship in this alarmist assessment. The UN is mostly trying to ask for money here -- buyers beware.

    Narrative C

    Our climate crisis is a product of exploitation and inequality. We need a less alarmist, more nuanced picture to account for North-South injustice and we must avoid xenophobia about climate migration. Let's focus on helping those most impacted to make empowered choices.

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