Iran Conducts First Protest-Related Execution

Image copyright: BBC

The Facts

  • On Thursday, Iran announced its first-known execution of a prisoner convicted of an alleged crime during the ongoing nationwide protests.

  • The man, whom Iranian media identified as Mohsen Shekari, was arrested after allegedly blocking Sattar Khan Boulevard in the capital, Tehran, on Sept. 25 and injuring a security guard with a machete. On Nov. 20, the Supreme Court upheld the verdict against him for "waging war against God."

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

In condemning Tehran's crackdown, the West is once again exercising double standards. No government in the world would stand idly by while rioters destroy public property and terrorists masquerading as protesters randomly target security forces. Moreover, the majority of the Iranian population refuses to join the protests, which are being fueled by the hypocritical West to destabilize Iran and instigate a civil war like in Syria.

Pro-establishment narrative

Only an illegitimate and inhumane government like the theocratic regime in Tehran kills people who take to the streets for legitimate causes. In the past, the international community turned a blind eye as Tehran mass executed its own citizens. This time, the West can no longer remain silent, given the ruthlessness of the Islamists who rule Iran. It's no longer a matter of reforming the existing regime but of regime change.

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