Iran: Israel-linked Cell Members Arrested for Alleged Sabotage

Image copyright: AFP [via Al Jazeera]

The Facts

  • Iran announced on Sat. that its security forces arrested a network of agents allegedly working for Israel before they were able to carry out sabotage and "terrorist operations."

  • Iran's intelligence ministry said the unspecified number of individuals were working under orders from Israel's spy agency, Mossad, and targeted a "sensitive center" in Isfahan, which is the location of the country's main nuclear facilities.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Though Iran is still far from achieving a 90% enriched uranium threshold, Israel must be prepared to attack in case they achieve a nuclear weapon. Especially since the end of the nuclear deal with the US, Iran has shown no desire to slow its program, meaning Israel must be vigilant.

Establishment-critical narrative

Iran is a sovereign nation that has the right to a peaceful nuclear program. Just as Israel would counter any attacks on its soil, Iran can and should respond to Israeli provocations in the Islamic Republic. This isn't the first Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites, and Tel Aviv is only asking for a strong response with each new attack.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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