Israel Hosts US and Arab Allies in Negev

    Image copyright: AP Photos [via Al Jazeera]

    The Facts

    • Israel hosted US Sec. of State Antony Blinken alongside foreign ministers from Bahrain, Morocco, and the UAE – countries that signed the Abraham Accords normalizing relations with Israel in 2020 – in addition to Egypt on Mon.

    • Held at a resort in Israel's southern Negev Desert, the meeting was described as historic and sought to strengthen ties between the countries. Jordan, who signed an agreement normalizing relations with Israel in 1994, was notably absent.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    The summit, a product of US diplomacy, highlights a historic new chapter in the region's relations. Issues of economic cooperation and security – including the Palestinian question – will be tackled collectively.

    Pro-Palestine narrative

    The meeting, which further normalizes relations with Israel as it ethnically cleanses Palestinians, is only a demonstration of how Arab leaders are willing to sell out the Palestinians for their own economic benefit.

    Establishment split



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