Italy Seizes Yachts and Villas From Russian Oligarchs

    Image copyright: Newsweek

    The Facts

    • Italian police reportedly seized superyachts and luxury villas from sanctioned Russian oligarchs to a value of around $156M over the weekend.

    • In the raid, Italian authorities went after properties of Russian citizens with close ties to Putin.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    The only way to make Putin halt the invasion of Ukraine is to squeeze members of his inner circle. Harsh sanctions will at very least force him to the table.

    Narrative B

    Economic sanctions might make life difficult, but they'll never work to thwart the invasion. The only thing that will work is more military assistance to the Ukrainian army.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    It's hypocritical to impose sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine, but not on the US for invading Iraq for equally unjustified reasons, or on Israel for invading and annexing Arab lands.

    Establishment split



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