Jan 6 Hearings: Day 5

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via Fox News]

    The Facts

    • The Jan. 6 Committee's fifth day of public hearings focused on former Pres. Trump and his allies' alleged pressure campaign against the Justice Dept. (DOJ) to overturn the election results.

    • Testifying in front of the committee, former Acting Deputy Attorney General (AG), Richard Donoghue, said Trump asked the DOJ to "just say the election was corrupt," despite a lack of evidence of fraud.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Donoghue's testimony was nothing short of chilling. It shows Trump orchestrated the false "election fraud" narrative to pave the way for an unprecedented intervention into the workings of the federal government. In other words, Trump's own falsehoods enabled his meddling to advance an anti-democratic plan.

    Republican narrative

    Democrat members of Congress have privately confided to left-leaning journalists: behind closed doors, the Dems confide that "nobody gives a bleep" about Jan 6. in their districts. Democrats are clinging to hopes that these hyped hearings will beat back a Red Wave in November - it's looking like even their hopes are fading.

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