Japanese upholds gay marriage ban

    Image copyright: JIJI Press/AFP/Getty Images [via The Daily Mail]

    The Facts

    • On Mon., a Japanese court ruled that the country's ban on same-sex marriage isn't unconstitutional after three couples filed a case with the district court in Osaka.

    • In its decision, the court also denied the plaintiffs' request for 1M yen ($7.4k) in damages per couple.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Japan's ban on same-sex marriage is discriminatory and the court's affirmation of the government's stance is deeply damaging to equal rights in the country. Japan must re-evaluate its outdated and repressive law.

    Right narrative

    While Japan bans same-sex marriage, the nation's local governments have been recognizing the partnerships for years. The issue at hand, in this case, is whether the ban violates the Japanese constitution - which states that marriage is between a man and woman. The court rightly ruled that the law aligns with the constitution.

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