Japan Encourages Young Adults to Drink More Alcohol

    Image copyright: Getty Images [BBC]

    The Facts

    • Japan's National Tax Agency (NTA) on Thurs. launched "Sake Viva!", a campaign aimed at encouraging the country's young adults to drink more alcohol to counter a decline in tax revenue, after 2020 saw tax revenues from alcohol decrease by about $800M.

    • The campaign has established a competition for applicants between 20 and 39-years-old to develop business ideas to boost the demand for Japanese alcoholic beverages, including sake, shochu, awamori, beer, whisky, and wine.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    It is wholly inappropriate for the government to encourage younger generations to consume more alcohol. This competition neglects the health risks associated with alcohol consumption and fails to show any sensitivity for people who struggle with alcohol related problems, especially considering that Japan's Health Ministry last year identified excessive drinking as a "major social problem."

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Japan is doing what is best for the country's economy. This is an effort to use young and innovative minds to revive a plummeting industry. As always, the government is reminding people that they can purchase and drink alcohol responsibly while also fueling Japan's economic growth.

    Establishment split

