John Bolton Admits to Planning Coups Abroad

    Image copyright: AP [via NBC News]

    The Facts

    • Former Trump national security advisor, John Bolton, said on Tues. in an interview with CNN that he "has helped plan coups d'état" in other countries.

    • When asked for specifics, Bolton referenced his book, "The Room Where It Happened," which discusses the alleged failed attempt to oust Venezuelan Pres. Nicolás Maduro in 2019.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    This simply reaffirms the US' long and well-documented history of intervening in foreign nations, despite claiming to promote democracy. And John Bolton's involvement is no surprise; he's a long-time interventionist and warmonger. One could only conclude that he - along with so many establishment politicians - loves it when the US intelligence agencies and military are in places they shouldn't be.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Though the US has made mistakes in the past, Bolton's latest claims are blatant and dangerous lies. The government quickly learnt that coups don't work, and, with increased oversight and accountability, hasn't been involved in overthrowing governments for a long time.

    Establishment split



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