Judge Rules Kemp Must Testify in Trump Probe

Image copyright: Bloomberg [via The Washington Post]

The Facts

  • On Mon., Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp was ordered to testify to Fulton County DA Fani Willis' grand jury investigating possible attempts by former Pres. Trump and his colleagues to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

  • Judge Robert McBurney rejected Kemp's motion to quash the subpoena, ruling that sovereign immunity doesn't apply as Willis' investigation is criminal, not civil in nature. He also postponed Kemp's appearance until after the November election.

The Spin

Democratic narrative

Despite his attempt to wiggle out of this, the judge has rightly ruled that Kemp isn't above the law. The delay in his testimony might help Kemp politically, but eventually, he's going to have to dish on Trump, and the grand jury will have more proof of the former president's criminal activity.

Pro-Trump narrative

This illegitimate, weaponized prosecution is merely an attempt to swing the polls before the midterms this fall, and suppress future criticism of elections. The First Amendment protects everyone's – even Trump's – right to question results when they suspect fraud.

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