Judges Block Florida, Kentucky Abortion Bans

    Image copyright: The Columbus Dispatch/AP [via The Washington Post]

    The Facts

    • Judges in Florida and Kentucky temporarily blocked their states from enforcing abortion bans or restrictions in the aftermath of a SCOTUS ruling which overturned Roe v. Wade and gave states license to regulate the procedure.

    • Florida's 15-week ban had been scheduled to take effect Fri., but Circuit Court Judge John Cooper determined that the law violates the state constitution's privacy rights. He is expected to sign a written order next week, which is when his decision would be enacted.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Although the decision to overturn Roe gave the power over abortion to the states, many of these trigger bans and abortion restrictions violate state constitutions and infringe on women's rights to bodily autonomy. It's absolutely necessary for judges to step in and block these cruel bans.

    Right narrative

    These trigger laws and restrictions were all legally voted on and implemented by their states' respective legislatures under the caveat that they would take effect if Roe was overturned. It's now the duty of state officials to enforce them. Opponents are free to challenge them, but they're in for a tough fight that they will eventually lose.

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