Jury Rules Against Project Veritas in Lawsuit

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The Facts

  • On Thursday, a jury ruled against the conservative investigative organization Project Veritas, finding that the group violated wiretapping laws and fraudulently misrepresented itself in a sting operation against a Democratic political consulting firm.

  • The firm, Democracy Partners, was awarded $120K, though its co-founder, Robert Creamer, had sought $1M due to video footage released by Project Veritas in 2016 that painted the firm in a bad light.

The Spin

Right narrative

Investigative journalists have always gone undercover to expose political malfeasance, and Project Veritas is no different than any liberal outlets that have done the same type of reporting. If it were a left-wing outlet, there would have been applause from the Democrat-friendly media ecosystem. Project Veritas clearly triggers the left with its guerilla style of journalism.

Left narrative

The goal of this "sting operation" was always to fraudulently portray Democratic organizations as corrupt to help the GOP win elections. With this penalty, hopefully, Project Veritas will put an end to its disingenuous content creation and shameless fronting for right-wing bad actors.

Political split