Justice Dept. Creating Domestic Terrorism Unit

Image copyright: Andrew Kelly/Reuters

The Facts

  • The U.S. Justice Department has revealed it is forming a new unit to focus on domestic terrorism in response to an increase in violent extremism.

  • The number of FBI investigations into individuals suspected of domestic extremism has doubled since the spring of 2020.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The FBI was long overdue to form a domestic terrorism unit and this should only be the start of expanded efforts to crack down on homegrown extremism. Next steps should include a federal law against domestic terrorism.

Establishment-critical narrative

The new unit is a continuation of the Justice Department's "War on the American People." There's no justification for this action because the number of "white extremist" attacks is low, especially compared to crime in American cities and at the Southern border, which are areas Justice should be focusing on.

Establishment split



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