Justice Dept. Has Reviewed Mar-a-Lago Documents

Image copyright: Jim Rassol/Associated Press [via The New York Times]

The Facts

  • According to a court filing on Mon., following a review of the material seized from Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence on Aug. 8, the Dept. of Justice (DOJ) has put aside documents that might be subject to attorney-client privilege, potentially making the former president's request for an independent arbiter unnecessary.

  • This comes after US District Judge Aileen M. Cannon, appointed by Trump in 2020, on Sat. hinted at her willingness to grant Trump's attorneys' request for a special master to review classified documents and other items acquired by the FBI.

The Spin

Pro-Trump narrative

The illegal ransacking of Trump's home was a political hit job meant to prevent him from running for president in 2024, so of course a judge should appoint a special master. Having a neutral party review what was taken from Mar-a-Lago will further reveal how rogue the DOJ and FBI have gone in their efforts to protect the Democratic party.

Democratic narrative

Cannon is pandering to Trump. No judge should ever issue even a "tentative" ruling without hearing from both sides, and Cannon has only heard from Trump. Regardless, she'll unlikely be able to appoint a special master in light of the latest DOJ filing and once she hears their arguments; if she tries to she'll undoubtedly be overruled by a higher court on appeal.

Political split



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