Kansas: Partial Recount Favors Abortion Rights

Image copyright: PBS

The Facts

  • A partial recount has affirmed an August 2 referendum result in support of retaining Kansas's constitutionally protected right to abortion, with a discrepancy of fewer than 100 votes after the last county recounted on Sunday.

  • The referendum saw Kansans reject a ballot initiative that sought to remove abortion rights protections enshrined in the state's Bill of Rights by 59 to 41 percent.

The Spin

Left narrative

As proven by this referendum, most Americans support the right to control one's own body, including the right to an abortion. Republicans clearly weren't in touch with reality when they decided to bring this vote to the primary ballot and when they demanded a recount.

Right narrative

While this is a disappointing loss for Kansans and Americans nationwide, it's only one round in the abortion dispute. The pro-life movement must work even more diligently to educate people on ways to protect the preborn and their mothers.

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