Karjakin Banned From Chess For Supporting Russian Invasion

    Image copyright: ANP/AFP [via Raw Story]

    The Facts

    • Russian grandmaster Sergey Karjakin has been suspended from competitions for six months by the International Chess Federation (FIDE) for voicing his support of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

    • The FIDE found Karjakin guilty of violating article 2.2.10 of its code of ethics, which prohibits action that might damage the reputation of the game of chess.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    It's impossible to separate sports from politics when Putin uses sports to solidify his position at home and restore Russia's standing internationally. Many athletes agree that it's impossible to allow Russians to compete while the illegal assault on Ukraine continues.

    Narrative B

    The "canceling" of Russia should be done with minimal harm to innocents, including athletes and artists who have no control over what their country is doing. Athletes that happen to be from a sanctioned country shouldn't be punished, except possibly when they're officially representing that country in competition.

    Narrative C

    The Kremlin is advancing Putin's interests through a low-cost disinformation campaign, and anyone who aids in its efforts to disseminate false narratives should be held to account.

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