Kathy Boudin, Former Weather Underground Member, Dies at 78

    Image copyright: AP [via The Guardian]

    The Facts

    • Kathy Boudin, a former member of the militant group Weather Underground, which was active in the late 1960s and 1970s, died of cancer on Sun. in NYC.

    • Boudin spent two decades in prison for her part in the 1981 Brink's armored truck heist, in which 3 people were killed.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    Boudin was a terrorist and that will be her legacy. Though later in life she devoted herself to respectable causes, her actions led to the deaths of 3 innocent people simply doing their jobs, and she shouldn't be remembered as a hero.

    Left narrative

    Though Boudin was involved in an incident that led to the deaths of 3 people, she herself didn't pull the trigger, nor was she unrepentant. She dedicated her life to lifting others up and trying to help those crushed by systematic state violence. She should be remembered for her good deeds.

    Political split
