Keir Starmer Vows to Resign if Fined Over "Beergate"

Image copyright: AP [via The New York Post]

The Facts

  • Keir Starmer has said he will resign as leader of the Labour Party if he's fined by authorities over claims that he broke lockdown rules.

  • A day after the local elections, Durham police force launched an investigation into allegations that he broke COVID rules in Apr. 2021.

The Spin

Right narrative

Starmer is a hypocrite and an opportunist. If he's found to have broken the law by attending the event with as many as 30 others, he will be forced to resign. These developments are a clear blow to the Labour party.

Left narrative

The timing of these allegations reflects the deceitful opportunism that characterizes Conservative Party politics. This story first emerged earlier this year, yet only gained traction when it was electorally convenient for the Tories. There's no equivalence between this event and Johnson's outrageous rule violations.

Cynical narrative

Brits are stuck for who to vote for, as the revelations that Labour leaders also attended events during lockdown make it clear that all politicians are as bad as each other. Voters have been reduced to picking the best of a bad bunch.

Metaculus Prediction

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