Law Scholar Suspended After Critizing Biden's Vow to Nominate Black Woman to SCOTUS

    Image copyright: CNN

    The Facts

    • Ilya Shapiro, a newly hired lecturer and administrator at Georgetown, was placed on administrative leave on Monday after tweeting that a "lesser black woman" wouldn't be the best pick for SCOTUS.

    • He apologized for his "inartful" tweets, but maintained that he hadn't violated the university's policies and was confident he'd be vindicated after a "fair, impartial and professional" investigation.

    The Spin

    Progressive narrative

    Shapiro's comments are racist and antithetical to the principles of inclusion expected of a higher learning institution. His appointment to Georgetown should be revoked permanently.

    Conservative narrative

    Georgetown has bowed to the woke cancel culture mob. His criticism is legitimate and protected free speech.

    Nerd narrative

    Shapiro used sloppy language while arguing that Sri Srinivasan was more qualified, but the important debate on pros and cons of race/gender quotas should be encouraged, not silenced.

    Public figures in this story

    Political split
