London Police Commissioner Resigns

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via CBS News]

    The Facts

    • London police chief Cressida Dick has resigned after facing a slew of scandals including the murder of Sarah Everard by a serving officer last year and allegations of bullying, racial discrimination, and misogyny within the force.

    • Her resignation came after London mayor Sadiq Khan said he wasn't convinced she was up to the job of reforming the Met.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Recent reports of officers' outrageous and offensive behavior have rightly doomed the commissioner. Dick isn't the person to lead the large-scale changes needed to rebuild Londoners' trust in the force.

    Right narrative

    Dick has been unintentionally forced out of the Met by the Labor Mayor of London. The nation's most senior police officer has had her career ended by political opportunism.

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