Madison Cawthorn Under Investigation by House Ethics Panel

    Image copyright: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images [via Daily Wire]

    The Facts

    • Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) is facing allegations of a conflict of interest in a cryptocurrency project he promoted along with separate allegation of an improper relationship with a congressional staff member.

    • The investigation comes after the political action group opposing Cawthorn, American Muckrakers, filed a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics. The complaint accuses Cawthorn of providing one of his House aides with free housing, travel, and loans.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Cawthorn's politics and behaviors have been reckless, reprehensible, and incendiary. While he has endured personal tragedies, this in no way excuses his unrepentant misbehavior and growing list of unacceptable actions. For now, his show is over and we all deserve refunds.

    Right narrative

    Politicians like Cawthorn are frequently labeled extremists for simply wanting to return to an America with conservative values. The real cause of the problems faced by Americans today are Democrats and Republicans In Name Only.

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