US Woman Treated in Spain After Denied Abortion in Malta

Image copyright: The Observer [via The Guardian]

The Facts

  • An American woman whose request to end an unviable pregnancy was rejected by authorities in Malta is being treated in a hospital in Mallorca, after she and her partner were airlifted to the Spanish island on Thursday.

  • Andrea Prudente, who is 16 weeks pregnant, was on vacation in Malta when she began to miscarry a week ago and was admitted to hospital with severe bleeding. Her request for an abortion was denied despite being told the pregnancy was no longer viable.

The Spin

Left narrative

Malta is clearly behind the times with women's rights and autonomy over their bodies. This story is a continuation of Malta's stubborn history against reproductive rights, even in the direst of situations. Women shouldn't be barred from receiving life-saving treatment by archaic laws like this.

Right narrative

The decision is based on ethics and the legal framework of Malta, which stands up for unborn babies' right to live. The baby and mother were being monitored by a team of experienced doctors striving to give the very best care while working within the legal structure.

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