DOJ to Appeal Ruling that Ended Mask Mandate on Public Transport

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    The Facts

    • The Justice Dept. will appeal the ruling that struck down mask mandates on planes and public transit after the CDC advised the Biden administration that the measure remained a necessity for public health.

    • The announcement comes after a federal judge in FL ruled on Mon. that the mask mandate can't legally be enforced.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    The ruling was not a legal decision but a political one. A Trump-appointed judge found against the Biden administration's policy, now the appeal will go to one of the most ideologically conservative courts in the US - the 11th circuit. The politicization of the legal system is putting public health at risk.

    Republican narrative

    The DOJ is taking a huge risk by appealing this ruling. If unsuccessful, the case could establish a precedent limiting federal power in times of public health emergencies. This decision is a mistake, especially as COVID cases have decreased dramatically since Jan. and the less-lethal Omicron variant is still the dominant strain.

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