Meta's COO Stepping Down After 14 Years

    Image copyright: AFP/Getty Images [via The Washington Post]

    The Facts

    • Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of social media giant Meta, announced her departure from the company in a Facebook post on Wednesday.

    • Sandberg joined Meta, which was then known as Facebook, in 2008. Throughout her 14-year tenure, she helped usher the company through an IPO, public scandals, and a rebrand; she also implemented an advertising-based revenue model that saw explosive growth.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    Sandberg made major contributions, and news of her departure couldn't have come at a worse time for Meta as it leaves the cozy shores of its ad-based revenue model in search of as-yet allusive profits in the 'metaverse.' It also came - perhaps strategically - just as other high-profile stories were breaking in a busy news cycle. Meta shares were down nevertheless.

    Narrative B

    Sandberg is the last of Facebook's old guard to depart, and her reputation is sullied by both public and private scandals surrounding the company as well as her strongarm tactics with the press. Now, with the ad revenue model she built in tatters and the stock cut in half since Sept., she's fleeing the sinking ship.

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