MLB Suspends Matt Harvey 60 Games Following Skaggs Testimony

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The Facts

  • Major League Baseball (MLB) has suspended Baltimore Orioles pitcher Matt Harvey for 60 games without pay for violating their Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program.

  • The right-hander was cited for "participating in the distribution of a prohibited drug of abuse" after testifying in federal court that he and former teammate Tyler Skaggs provided each other with oxycodone during his time with the Los Angeles Angels.

The Spin

Narrative A

Harvey deserved to be punished and this ban may be too lenient considering players busted for PED use usually get longer suspensions. Now that we've seen the tragedy that can result from the distribution of opioids among athletes, a message must be sent that it won't be tolerated.

Narrative B

Harvey proved he has strong morals by testifying while knowing it could lead to MLB discipline. He's taken his punishment without appeal, and he's been a model citizen while with Baltimore. He deserves a second chance to continue his career.

Narrative C

Baseball was quick to react to possible opioid abuse by players in the wake of Skaggs' death, but investigations haven't turned up any positive tests of these drugs in MLB. So perhaps the Angels were an outlier or maybe adding opioids to the "drugs of abuse" list helped reduce their prevalence in clubhouses.

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