Myanmar: Junta Extends Emergency Rule

    Image copyright: Reuters

    The Facts

    • Myanmar's junta leader, Gen. Min Aung Hlaing, on Mon. extended emergency military rule for another six months, blaming instability for stalling peace agreements with other Southeast Asian countries.

    • State-run media reported that the military's national defense and security council "unanimously supported" the extension, with Hlaing citing the need to "strengthen the 'genuine and disciplined multi-party democratic system' which is the desire of the people."

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    After finding evidence of voter fraud in 2020, the regime has understandably strengthened its control over the country. Amid ongoing violent attacks by rebel militias, the security council needed to temporarily extend the state of emergency to ensure political and economic stability before ultimately returning to societal norms.

    Narrative B

    It's been a year and a half since Hlaing's military illegally took power from the democratically-elected government, and the situation has only worsened, with activists being executed and the emergency powers repeatedly extended. It's time for the US, ASEAN, and the UN to impose severe sanctions on this authoritarian regime to help the people of Myanmar return to democratic freedom.

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