2nd Proud Boys Leader Pleads Guilty in Jan. 6 Conspiracy Case

    Image copyright: Samuel Corum/Getty Images [via Axios]

    The Facts

    • On Fri., a Proud Boys leader from NC, Charles Donohoe, pled guilty to conspiring with other members of the group in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. He's the 2nd leader of the Proud Boys, along with Matthew Green of NY, to cooperate with the federal govt in the conspiracy case centered on ex-chair, Enrique Tarrio.

    • Tarrio pleaded not guilty last Tues. to multiple federal felony counts related to conspiring to block Congress from certifying the 2020 election results ahead of the riots.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Enrique Tarrio may not have been physically in Washington DC on Jan 6 but he still maintained a dangerous leadership role behind the scenes. There are allegations he met with Oath Keepers leadership before the events. If proven true, it would show him as a lynchpin in a damning conspiracy against the US government.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    The evidence against Tarrio is weak. Even if it's ultimately proven that he did speak to the Oath Keepers leadership, prosecutors won't be able to prove the context. Tarrio wasn't in DC during the attack, and the prosecution knows the case against him is so flimsy that they need the trial postponed.

    Establishment split

