Netflix, TikTok and Big 4 Accounting Firms Latest to Suspend Services in Russia

    Image copyright: NurPhoto [via Daily Wire]

    The Facts

    • Deloitte and EY on Monday became the latest of the "Big Four" accounting giants to halt operations in Russia, following PwC and KPMG 's announcement on Sunday.

    • Meanwhile, Netflix and TikTok also announced on Sunday that they will suspend services inside Russia in response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    This will help strong-arm the country economically and structurally. The suspension of Netflix and TikTok specifically will affect the spread of information, and exemplify how sanctions can go further than just harming a country's finances.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    It's hypocritical to impose sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine, but not on the US for invading Iraq for equally unjustified reasons, or on Israel for invading and annexing Arab lands.

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