New Zealand Police Quell Protests Outside Parliament

    Image copyright: Getty Images [Via The Guardian]

    The Facts

    • A three-week-long protest against COVID mandates that saw New Zealanders camping outside of the parliament building was brought to an end on Wednesday, after police succesfully gained control of the grounds.

    • The operation brought reports of aggression from both protestors and authorities alike, resulting in 65 arrests by the end of the day. Prior to this, police had arrested a total of 132 demonstrators.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    The protest has become a vehicle for various disparate complaints including vaccine disinformation, QAnon-style conspiracies, and racist and violent rhetoric. The right to protest should be protected, but this isn't the time or place for it and only leads to the spreading of infection and misinformation.

    Right narrative

    The convoy symbolizes a growing resistance to big government intrusion on personal decisions and fundamental freedoms. New Zealanders are standing up to Prime Minister Ardern's draconian measures that have stripped citizens of their fundamental rights over the last two years.

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