Nigeria: 8 Killed, 38 Kidnapped in Church Attacks

    Image copyright: AFP [via Vatican News]

    The Facts

    • The Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) reported on Mon. that gunmen shot dead eight people and abducted 38 others in the northern state of Kaduna on Sunday.

    • Suspected terrorists on motorcycles reportedly assaulted villages in the Kajuru Local Government Area and attacked worshippers in the Maranatha Baptist Church and the St. Moses Catholic Church.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    The Buhari admin. successfully fought the BH threat in the northeast, only to see Islamist insurgency and violence from "bandits" and "unknown gunmen" spreading across other parts of the country. In response, the federal government offers only rhetoric and a lackadaisical attitude that allows this violence to continue. It's time for Buhari to back up his words with actions.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Although security challenges remain, the Buhari admin. is doing all it can to solve them, and has made important recent breakthroughs. By modernizing law enforcement forces and adopting a zero tolerance policy for crime, it has been able to improve Nigeria's position in the ranking of most terrorized nations. There is a long way to go, but the government is taking the threats seriously.

    Cynical narrative

    As the plight of Ukrainians mobilizes international aid and last year saw thousands gather for "Black Lives Matter" demonstrations, shouldn't something be done to help Nigerian Christians who have been systematically killed and displaced? Western governments are failing them and the press remains silent.

    Establishment split



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