North Korean Nuclear Test Site Allegedly Being Rebuilt

Image copyright: Reuters

The Facts

  • New satellite imagery suggests that North Korea has begun construction on its nuclear test site for the first time since 2018.

  • The California-based James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS) said that there are signs that the construction of a new building and the repair of another are underway at North Korea's Punggye-ri site.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The speed with which North Korea is testing missiles, and now starting to rebuild its testing site, is worrying. North Korea is taking advantage of a world distracted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine to advance its weapons program. The US, Japan and South Korea need to take measures to maintain stability in Asia.

Establishment-critical narrative

North Korea for years made a goodwill effort towards diplomacy with the West and denuclearization, but all it got in return was snubbed and strong-armed. Sanctions were not lightened, and agreements were continously sabotaged. North Korea has been pushed into a corner by the West.

Establishment split



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