Norwegian Neo-Nazi Mass-Murderer Breivik Loses Parole Bid

Image copyright: AP [via Independent]

The Facts

  • Norwegian terrorist Anders Breivik has been denied parole after a court found his extremism hadn't waned and he was at high risk of recidivism.

  • He killed 77 people, mostly teenagers, in two attacks in 2011 and has served 10 yrs of a 21 yr sentence.

The Spin

Narrative A

This is Breivik's latest attempt to use the law as his stage and subvert Norway's overly lenient justice system, which puts the comfort of criminals -- no matter how abhorrent -- above the rights of their victims.

Narrative B

Norway is upholding their justice system principles by treating Breivik like any other inmate. They should be applauded for putting emotions and public presure aside and fulfilling their constitutional duties.

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