Pa. Supreme Court Upholds Mail-In Voting Expansion

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    The Facts

    • Pennsylvania's mail-in voting law was upheld by the state's Supreme Court in a 5-2 decision released Tues., overturning a lower court ruling that found the act violated the state's constitution.

    • In the majority opinion, Justice Christine Donohue wrote that "we find no restriction in our Constitution on the General Assembly's ability to create universal mail-in voting."

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    This outcome shows how far activist judges are willing to go, even if in direct contrast with the constitution. Voting by mail is likely to fall prey to those with ill intent, yet despite this, Democrat judges have decided to turn a blind eye to the plain language of their constitution - chasing "woke" ideologies over upholding the law.

    Democratic narrative

    Mail-in voting was a rousing success in 2020, as millions took advantage of this safe and accessible option, and it should continue into future elections. Republicans didn't have a problem with Act 77 when they voted it into law, and now are only protesting it to stay in Trump's good graces.

    Narrative C

    Extensive studies have demonstrated that voter fraud in the US is extremely rare, and allegations that this occurred in the 2020 election - or any other recent election - are baseless. While election integrity must absolutely be protected, chasing phantom voter fraud shouldn't be used as an excuse to undermine free and fair access to voting.

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