Pelosi’s Husband Attacked in Home Invasion

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The Facts

  • Paul Pelosi, the 82-year-old husband of Democratic US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, was attacked in the couple’s San Francisco, Calif. home by a hammer-wielding man on Friday, according to the police. He was rushed to the hospital.

  • Nancy Pelosi was in Washington, DC at the time, her office confirmed. Her husband is expected to make a full recovery.

The Spin

Left narrative

This attack is a predictable and tragic product of the dangerous rhetoric and toxic conspiracy theories spewing from the far-right. Their message of “survivalism” makes it sounds as though defeating those on the other side of the political spectrum is a life-or-death matter. The right-lurching GOP must be held accountable for its extremism and the violence it inspires.

Right narrative

Crime across the US, especially in San Francisco, is skyrocketing because of soft policies Democrats advocate for and enact under the guise of social justice. Now that one of their more high-profile party members is the victim, maybe they’ll toughen up. Of course, this is nothing new to the thousands of other Americans who’ve been under threat for years but have been neglected by woke, left-leaning Democrats.

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