Pfizer Reports 61% Growth in Q1 2022

Image copyright: Bloomberg [via Al Jazeera]

The Facts

  • Pfizer reported growth of 61% in Q1 2022. The drug manufacturer profited $13B in sales of their COVID vaccine, Comirnaty. Pfizer and BioNTech project $32B in sales in 2022

  • In addition to Comirnaty, Pfizer profited another $1.5B from their new treatment drug, Paxlovid, which launched late last year.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

It was a fatal mistake to let companies like Pfizer lead the vaccine charge. By mostly selling to rich nations and not sharing intellectual property, they've created vaccine apartheid worldwide. Big pharma monopolies must be dismantled to create new institutions that put people over profit.

Pro-establishment narrative

The government's partnership with the pharmaceutical industry delivered three life-saving vaccines at lightning speed. Even Biden has recognized the success of Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" and may replicate the same model for COVID therapeutics. This is bipartisan-supported innovation for the public good.

Establishment split



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