CDC Approves COVID Vaccines for Younger Kids; Rollout Underway

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The Facts

  • As had been expected, on Sat. CDC Director Rochelle Walensky signed off on approvals for Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech's COVID vaccines for younger children. The final approval now makes ~20M children eligible for COVID vaccination across the US, with a major distribution rollout underway.

  • On Fri, the FDA approved emergency authorization for Moderna's vaccine covering kids 6 months-17 years, and Pfizer/BioNTech's latest approval for kids 6 months-4 years.

The Spin

Left narrative

It's been scary and frustrating for many parents who've been waiting for a COVID vaccine for their young kids. But the FDA needs to do due diligence on approvals. Hang in there.

Right narrative

Vaccinating children this young is ludicrous. COVID is much less severe in this age group, for which the risks associated with the vaccine far outweigh any potential benefits.

Progressive narrative

This is unethical. We should aim to reduce COVID deaths and hospitalizations globally, not just in wealthy countries. Until there are enough to go around, precious vaccines shouldn't be wasted on low-risk, healthy children, who may not even be important transmitters.

Metaculus Prediction

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