Police: Gangs Targeting LA's Wealthy in 'Follow-Home' Robberies

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via CBS News]

    The Facts

    • There is a growing trend of "follow-home" robberies occurring in Los Angeles. Police say that criminal gangs are following wealthy victims around the city to rob them after they leave designer stores, luxury hotels and exclusive nightclubs.

    • The police have indicated that at least 17 gangs, mostly based in South LA, have engaged in this form of robbery, making off with handbags, watches, and gadgets worth tens of thousands of dollars.

    The Spin

    Republican narrative

    These crimes are clearly the result of liberal LA's no-bail policy for "non-violent" criminals and the city's politicians' calls to defund the police. Criminals are allowed to walk the streets freely and terrorize communities because progressives want to seem virtuous.

    Democratic narrative

    Violent crime is on the rise but police, even in the face of major reforms, still can't be trusted to operate within the laws. Democrats are striving to strike a balance between being tough on crime and maintaining police reforms in their policies.

    Political split
