Public Inquiry Launched into Death of Black Man in Scottish Police Custody

    Image copyright: BBC News

    The Facts

    • Protestors chanting "black lives matter" gathered outside Capitol House in Edinburgh earlier this week, where a public inquiry into the death of a black man while in police custody in Scotland began on Tuesday.

    • Sheku Bayoh, 31, died in May 2015, after authorities responded to reports of a man wielding a knife.

    The Spin

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Police Scotland has long been working to establish a reformed system. While enormously challenging, progress has been made and will continue. The true test of reform is whether operational failings are subjected to critical review, as is being done with Bayoh's case.

    Establishment-critical narrative

    Sheku Bayoh is Scotland's George Floyd but without justice. His family had to fight for this inquiry due to police and Crown Office incompetence, dishonesty, and racism. The real test is whether the country will act to ensure that true change takes place in an unaccountable, all-powerful justice system.

    Establishment split



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