Rep. Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Clarence Thomas to Resign

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via Axios]

    The Facts

    • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has called on SCOTUS J. Clarence Thomas to resign or face a Congressional investigation for potential impeachment.

    • She cited his alleged failure to disclose family income from right-wing organizations, his wife's text messages with Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, and his refusal to recuse himself from matters involving his wife and the Jan. 6 Committee.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Justice Thomas' failure to recuse himself is unjustifiable and he deserves the ultimate censure: impeachment. With such weak ethical standards for recusal in place, the executive and legislative branches must use this scandal to bring public pressure to bear on the Supreme Court.

    Republican narrative

    Once again AOC is making a mountain out of a molehill. There was nothing remotely illegal or unethical in Ginni Thomas' texts. She was merely advocating the mainstream Republican position that the 2020 election was mired in widespread fraud. This is a desperate attempt by Democrats to try and steal another SCOTUS seat for Biden and fill it with a radical leftist judge.

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