Report: Biden to Nominate Anti-Abortion Judge

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via Newsweek]

    The Facts

    • US Pres. Biden reportedly intends to nominate anti-abortion attorney Chad Meredith to a federal judgeship in Kentucky, in what sources allege is part of a deal with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to not obstruct Biden's future federal nominations.

    • There aren't currently any federal judicial vacancies in Kentucky, and Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) has said "it's clear that this is part of some larger deal on judicial nominations."

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Not only has Biden agreed to appoint a judge with a record of stripping women of their rights to bodily autonomy, but he has also put his faith in McConnell, a man who has no credibility when it comes to keeping promises. This is a bad decision on all fronts.

    Republican narrative

    While another pro-life judicial appointment sounds nice, conservatives should be wary of this deal. It adds fuel to the pro-abortion fire on top of Republicans' recent anti-gun legislation, and will likely be a trade off between one pro-life judge in return for a slew of leftists.

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