Report Finds Pattern of Discrimination by Minneapolis Police

    Image copyright: Star Tribune [via Fox News]

    The Facts

    • A Minnesota Dept. of Human Rights report released on Wed. claims that the Minneapolis police dept. engages in a pattern of racial discrimination.

    • The report states that the police dept. possesses a culture "averse to oversight and accountability," and accuses its leaders of failing to correct its extensive problems.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Minneapolis police are routinely using excessive violence and addressing people with racist and misogynistic slurs, yet the force is failing to empower officers to speak out against such abhorrent behavior. Serious and urgent changes are needed to protect the civil liberties - and lives - of Black Minneapolitans.

    Right narrative

    Policing has been undermined beyond recognition by radical leftists. Democrats have been pushing the falsity that policing in the US is systematically racist to force through legislation attacking cops. Yet, no one talks about the violence police face everyday, including BLM and Antifa mob violence which caused $2B worth of destruction in just under a year.

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