Roe v. Wade: Protestors Rally at Catholic Churches, Houses of SCOTUS Justices

    Image copyright: AP Photos [via The New York Post]

    The Facts

    • Activists expecting SCOTUS to overturn the landmark abortion ruling of Roe v. Wade held a series of rallies at Catholic churches as the US celebrated Mother's Day on Sunday.

    • Demonstrators also held protests outside the homes of SCOTUS justices on Sat., reportedly chanting "My body, my choice," outside J. Brett Kavanaugh's home in Maryland before moving onto the nearby house of Chief Justice John Roberts.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    If Roe v. Wade is overturned, it will be catastrophic for women. Particularly for young women, poor women, and women of color, who will not have the time, resources, or ability to travel out of state for safe abortions.

    Right narrative

    SCOTUS justices have rightly indicated that abortion is not a federal issue and should be decided by states. Left-wing extremists are trying to bully the court into reversing its decision.

    Metaculus Prediction

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